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Results for "keyword: "perspective""
Compassion and Forgiveness A 15-minute meditation for when you are hurt by somebody.
Look at the World from On High Finding perspective.
Work and Play Envisioning your job as a playful activity.
Thomas Aquinas in Imagining the Sacred We must love them both.
Thomas Merton in Organic Spirituality We cannot see things in perspective
Positive Versus Negative Internet Exploring Counsel on purposefully choosing positive images and stories to maintain balance.
Why Deprive Them of Joy? A practice of allowing accusations because of the joy that opponents' pious zeal gives them.
Mirroring A means of studying and understanding what it really means to listen to another human being.
Just Be Walking to free your mind from troubles and worries.
Robert Frager in The Wisdom of Islam If you put the world between you and God